Thursday, November 5, 2009


I have so much things to say and like -4 hours of time. I just wanna say THANKS to EURY for having a great contest and ME WINNING! JEAH!! JEAH!! *busts my gat in celebratory fashion* I'm A FUCKING WINNER OUT HERE!

Also... Well.... like I said, I have no time. It's 3am and I have a 2-5 pg archeology paper due in 6 hours that I haven't even read the content for. :[ FML

I will be serving the scoop tmrw afternoon probs.

Keep it juicy!


Eternally Fixated said...

I loveeeee your blog girl!!

Pls. check out our Fashion Style & Celebrity Gossip Blog!

Eury said...

hey send me ur contact info again, to I didn't get it the first (3) times