Friday, November 13, 2009

one common goal: attain relevancy

My thoughts on the Shitty Coins "movement."

0:14 - Really, Diddy, a grill in? In '09?

0:24 - WHOAA! Sean Combs is giving me FEVUH! WORRRRRKKK!

0:29 - "It's that Dirty Money!" ...I'm seeing a trend here.

*Bops head* The beat is iight though.

0:33 - Channeling her inner Macy Gray.

0:42 - Does anyone understand what she's saying?

0:45 - I can tell SOMEONE is feeling real relevant in this video. ::cough:: DAWN!! ::cough::

0:51 - EW! Them shoulder moves exhibit unacceptable behavior. That's annoying.

1:10 - They should have had a warning in the beginning of this video. That strobe light shit is gonna cause seizures.

1:16 - Is that the Jabbawockis? They get hella cameos.

1:41 - I REALLY want Dawn to stop moving her fucking shoulders and winding. *gags*

1:44 - False alarm: That's not the Jabbawockis. It's probably Lori Ann and her minions.

2:08 - OHH SHITT! Diddy took it wayyy back. Nigga did the "cry baby" dance on the wall. If you don't know that dance you're not black!

2:11 - Cassie should be rotating with them in this scene considering she's the only other person on the Bad Boy roster. Might as well make it a complete square.

-Those dancers are random as HAILLL. How do they tie into the whole theme?
-Ugh just the thought of Dawn probably thinking "I'm a bad bitch!" in this video is making me queasy.

2:55 - Back.

2:57 - The Fuck.

2:59 - Up! DAMN!!! Diddy's mouth is not aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Thoughts of open mouth breathing, heavy sighs and thick saliva collecting near his gum line. *shudders*

3:03 - Finally! A close up of those dollar store earrings. Smh.

3:28 - Dawn's jacket is kinda hot.

3:35 - I SEE YOU, BECKY!

3:39 - More? :(

I guess that's it. Overall they have alot of energy in the video. All that winding and arm movement shit was uncalled for but I'm not surprised at the lack of interesting content, look who we're fuckin with - bland ass Dawn, mute Other Girl and man tiddies Diddy. :-\ No one is checkin for nan a person in this video. (Well I'm checkin for Lori Ann if that is, in fact, her and her crew boom kattin' in the background - I will be Googling that). I agree with... everybody in that this is very reminiscent of the 90's, shiny suit era but you know how all old shit makes it's comeback eventually. I'm cool with it, it helps me reflect on my days as a youngin. However if, and when, Spice Girl shoes make a comeback, I will neither be enthused nor partake in that trend. One year of black, crush velvet 2 inch, platform Sketchers is MORE than enough. (Don't judge me.)


☆Reese✮ said...

Assessment soooo on point! I'm STILL rolling at your assessment of Diddy's mouth! Dirty Money-Shitty Coins? LMFAO TWICE!!

Neesh B Fly said...

LMAO best Review of a video i seen lol at the dollar store earring thing and Dawn moving her shoulders she done changed up this is a way different person from Danity Kane i guess its the hair cut speaking of that Kaleena Hair is cute and dawn is nice too

Eury said...

omg, so hilarious!

this was on point... lol

zsamurai said...

funny shit.
why is anyone even in that group. diddy so old and decrepit its gag worthy.
The other video was just a slap in the face to the hood.

These niggas is tired and they not even working next...sigh